He’s the size of a fig.

The nausea has eased up a bit, but has been replaced by pounding all day headaches. Is this what a migraine is?!  I’m going into my 5th day of headache pain and it’s ruthless. I’ve succumbed to taking tylenol two times, but refused it yesterday. I’m not sure it actually works. Tried icing, even tried peppermint oil on the temples. That worked momentarily, but between that and the icing, it sent my body into freezing mode while it was 80 degrees outside.  Then the lingering peppermint smell wouldn’t go away and that just screwed around with my sense of smell and my appetite. It was miserable. While I’m happy to say that the headache is tamer this morning, it is also the first morning I’ve woken up with the headache still in tact. Please help me Spirit. I don’t know how much more of this first trimester suffering I can take!

My appetite is still a struggle. Things that I’ve eaten that I hardly ever or even never eat:

Pizza.  Pizza. Pizza. Yogurt daily & a bit of cheese. (I gave up dairy a long time ago.) Rice. Lots of it. Gluten free carbs of all kinds including Leaping Lemurs & muesli. Baskin Robbins Ice cream cake. Vanilla ice cream sandwiches. Frozen Pizza. Yeah. I bought frozen pizza. A three pack. Who am I?! I even munched on that 3 pack of gluten free pizza with pickles. They seemed to go well together. That thing about pickles and pregnant women…it’s true. Something about the salty and vinegary taste seems to settle the ongoing weird after-taste in your mouth and your stomach. I’ve also had a few days of random cravings for El Pollo loco burritos at lunchtime. Go figure.

The above are the strange things that I normally wouldn’t glance at…the good things though, have been recent cravings for watermelon. And peaches. And Japanese cucumber. Raw.

Even with my attempts at eating all these wonderfully healthy foods, I’m usually only able to get a few bites in before my buds turn off again.  I guess that’s the good news when I’m reaching for the not so good stuff.  I reason with myself that a few bites isn’t going to do much damage, although I can probably use more than a few bites. I’m struggling to get enough calories in and I think the couple of pounds I’ve gained, I’ve lost per the nurse on our last visit to the obgyn this past Monday…which actually was the first obgyn appt we’ve had. I’m sad to be moving away from my specialist who has held our hand so tenderly throughout this process.  No one will beat her.  She was impeccable.  Our visit to the Obgyn was uneventful. She’s experienced, but less thorough than my FS…we got to see the baby again. He’s tracking at 2″…well, that was a few days ago. He might have grown since then. It’s amazing to see the progress of his development. A week ago, his arms were little buds. Monday, he’s got full blown arms that he’s waving across his face, and he certainly wasn’t shy about moving around in there! We’re grateful he’s healthy. In a couple of weeks, we’ll be heading in for the nuchal fold test to determine if there are any genetic abnormalities. We did get all the genetic testing done on the embryos before they were all frozen, but both the FS and the obgyn say that adding this non-invasive test is a good reassuring measure.

I’m hoping to get the all clear in a couple of weeks so my hubs and I can escape to take a much needed vacation. I’m nervous about flying, but so desperately need to get onto an island and just detach for a week. Hopefully we’ll get the clearance from the doc to fly and we’ll get the clearance from the vet as well.  Our pup is managing his way through chemo and seems to be hanging in there. Let’s keep our toes crossed for him!


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